Today as I was drinking my one alloted Diet Coke for the day I also just so happened to get a text message from one of my good friends, Mauricio. He was over at the house last night hanging out with Michael and I when we were talking about my Diet Coke addiction.
He texted me to tell me about the breaking in headline on WYFF's page about the woman in New Zealand that had died due to drinking too much Coke. Yes, for real. Whoa. Exactly what I needed to hear. I ended up picking Mauricio up so we could run to Target together to get somethings and he read me the article on the way. It seemed like it was explaining me. The lady drank way too many a day and had terrible nutrition. If the article was good motivation and a good method for scaring the crap out of me...I don't know what is. Like I mentioned yesterday in my initial post about my addiction, I need to be scared into not drinking it, like the first time I gave it up. So thanks Mauricio for texting me!
If you want to read the article, here's the link! Women Dies from Coca- Coca Habit
Here's the link to my post about my Diet Coke addiction, incase you missed it! Diet Coke Addiction Post
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